In attempt to give excellent services, we offer one stop wedding solution as well as the Traditional Ceremony Service. This service led by our experience and reliable expert staffs who understand the ceremony rules of many regions and equipped with the good quality equipment.
Traditional Ceremony we provide:
- Javanese Traditional Ceremony (Yogyakarta & Solo)
- Siraman Ceremony
- Panggih Ceremony
- Mitoni Ceremony (TujuhBulanan)
- Tedak Siten Ceremony (TurunTanah)
- Tuwuhan Bleketepe
- Kembar Mayang
- Adang Sepisan
- Begalan and its contents
- MC for the Traditional Ceremonies
- Cucuk Lampah
- Javanese Dance
- Gamelan Karawitan
- Many more
- Sundanese Traditional Ceremony
- Siraman Ceremony
- Ngeuyeuk Seureuh Ceremony
- Mapag Pengantin Ceremony
- Sawer and Huap Lingkung Ceremony
- Welcoming Reception Ceremony
- MC for the Traditional Ceremonies
- Kecapi Suling
- Gamelan Degung
- Many more